Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Love Letter IX

Immortal beloved, my angel, my all, my very self - There art a hand-full of words that I can say but still they can not explain why do I love thee. There art melodies that play in the air but they can not explain the reason why do I love thee. There art petals that I can give thee to compliment thy beauty but they can not whisper to thy ears why do I love thee. There art poems my heart recites but they can never rhyme to tell you why do I love thee. There art treasures I can compare with the amount of joy thou bring but they can not measure a chest of the logic of why I love thee. There art songs of love and romantic hymns my lips can stutter but they can not put into melody why do I love thee. There art souls who misjudge my intentions towards thee but they can never know why do really love thee. There art the heavens and the stars above I could proclaim my vows of unending appreciation but they will not enlighten my mind of the reasons why do I love thee.

-fooled if I may begin calling my self with, I would start by confessing what my mind - preoccupied by unending thoughts of longing - has been trying to warn my heart; You never have had a quality my tasteful being requires. We are two souls dwelt from two different dimensions on which both space and time - of a "wickedly" expressed analogy - executes intricately unique rituals. Music has never been a common ground. You make me listen - in a manner most times awakens a rebel me - to songs my system won't absorb and your hypothalamus always arrive at the most uncomfortable state when I play my song list. A battle ground instantly, if not magically, appears in front of us warlords if we try to compare our favored artists. Not one wholeheartedly concedes nor consciously let the other conquer the last blow. I have never seen how a suggestion turn into a criticism until you mention my style and in return I - in a most cunningly obnoxious tone - fires back by making your choice of perfume obsolete and under-appreciated. Your mastery of numbers and arithmetic equations parallel my skill of playing with words and sentence construction but none of us tries to admit that given fact. You mention that my stomach - in all of its might - can take all that's written in a restaurant menu but you won't admit that your figure deviates the norms of all nutrition verity. You smoke and you drink a lot and you don't take vitamins and I must tell you how much I hate you lately.

You of all people should know what happened that night when you moved out. I got overwhelmed by alcohol that my consciousness faded as soon as my back touched my bed. I was lost in a most unusual dream - dim lighted and hazy . I was sitting there with you, you were holding my hand. I saw myself covered with confusion and I saw you smiling the whole time. You had all of my attention and you were staring me in the eye which normally signifies your utmost sincerity. You were thanking me for everything I have done to you. For every little thing I did that made you smile. For every minute that you said I made you feel loved. For every instances that you said you proved my loyalty and unending support. For all the laughter and a shoulder to cry on. You were thanking me for staying with you all through out. I answered you with a blank face, a stare in your eyes, still confused. You responded with a smile I have never seen written in your face before. You started to tell me our stories. The stories we shared together, from the most memorable to the simplest incident. Still looking in your eyes I barely noticed you drifting away. I can feel you holding my hands but you're fading into the darkness as your voice started to fade as well. I woke up sitting in my bed. It was so dark in my room, I couldn't see a thing and it was so cold. I felt a strange pain inside my chest as warm drops of water flow down my cheeks. I was crying.

You made me the happiest and the unhappiest of men.
I got used to everything we had, good or bad
and I don't have the strength to admit I'm weak
without you.
Come back and stay
because I finally know why do
I love you.

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