Sunday, April 27, 2008

First Post: Let Me Explain

For the past few days while I'm in my "tamad mode", irritated by the weather and climate change, I watch TV a lot and my attention (and my great compulsiveness) was caught by Jessica Sojo's segment about blogs.

I know about blogs since we made a marketing plan about blogging with my classmates for our marketing subject. I know what it takes to be a blogger and I know how much greens it generates for people who uses blogs as their business. But since i still have nothing to so for the moment, I thought of making my own blogsite (Thanks to Miko and his blogspot).

About my title: Weird Guy's Eggshell Adventures and Daily Side Effects.

You might want to discover yourself why i chose this phrase as my title. believe me, you don't want to hear it from me. Know me a bit and you'll figure it out.

So there. See you around.


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